As with all plants, keeping your new houseplant healthy depends on finding the right position for it and watering it according to its needs.
POSITION: Generally most foliage plants like some natural light but not direct sun which can burn their leaves. Placing them near a window (not on the windowsill) or on a table where light falls during the day is best.
WATER: Most foliage plants do not like to dry out completely nor do they like to sit in waterlogged soil which can cause their roots to rot. Feel the top of the soil and if it is starting to dry out give it some water. Let the water drain away so that the pot is not sitting in standing water which will continually wick up and over moisten the soil.
FERTILISER: During spring and summer you can occassionally feed your houseplant with a liquid fertiliser to give it a boost. You can use either liquid seasol or a specialist houseplant food from any nursery.
Chain of Hearts: Likes a bright room but not direct sun which can burn the leaves. Allow to dry out between waterings. You can propogate Chain of hearts from cuttings. Cut a length of stem by a leaf and put in a glass jar of water until the roots form. Plant in well draining potting mix (a succulent mix is good).
String of Pearls: Likes a bright room but not direct sun. Allow to dry out between waterings. You can propogate by taking stem cuttings and inserting the ends into moist succulent mix or lay a few “pearls” across the soil, anchor with a bit of bent wire and allow to root down.
China Doll (Radermachera Sinica): Likes bright but indirect sun. Like the ficus it does not like to be moved around a lot and may drop leaves initially. Water when the top 2 cm of soil are dry to the touch. Do not repot until completely root bound.
Rabbit Foot Fern: Avoid direct sunlight but likes a bright room, protect from draughts. Keep the soil moist but not soaking wet. Feed spring and summer with a liquid seaweed fertiser.
Ficus: Likes bright light but not direct hot sun although it will appreciate some morning sun. Keep the soil moist but not soaking wet, put a finger into the top of the soil and if it is still damp leave for another day or two. Ficus don’t like being moved around and may sulk by dropping leaves initially. When you put it in a position that it likes it pays to leave it there! Ficus like a feed of liquid seaweed fertiliser during the spring and summer. I put it in a bowl with enough water to submerge the plant up to its trunk (covering the entire pot and soil with the seaweed water). Leave it in the water until the air bubbles stop coming up.
Peace Lily: Likes bright but indirect sun but will tolerate more dimly lit areas but wont flower as well. Protect from draughts. Keep the soil moist but not soaking wet.
Air Plant: Contrary to popular belief, Air Plants need to be watered. This can be done by running under a cold tap occasionally or if the plant has lost its plumpness, soak in a bowl of water with liquid seaweed added for around 15 minutes. Allow to dry before placing back in its holder as the stem ends will rot if kept wet.